This article will help you to use our DNS API.

What is DNS API?
SafeBrands' GraphQL-based DNS Management API is an Application Programming Interface that enables users to automate updates and management of DNS records for all their domains, reducing complexity and errors.
GraphQL is a query language and runtime for APIs that provide a flexible and efficient approach to querying, updating, and subscribing to data. GraphQL-based systems typically communicate over HTTP and use a single endpoint for all queries and mutations. GraphQL enables users to request only the data they need and defines a type system to ensure that the requested data is in the correct format.



  • Introduction
    • GraphQL API Endpoint
  • Authorization
    • Access Tokens
    • JWT (JSON Web Token)
    • HTTP Bearer Authentication
    • Introspection & Auto Documentation
  • Examples
  • Documentation



GraphQL API Endpoint

We offer a GraphQL endpoint to interact with the DNS API for our customers (signup & sign-in required).

For the production environment:


For the demo (OTE) environment:



A great place to learn about GraphQL is here: :  




Access Tokens

You can manage your access tokens in the SafeBrands frontend application. A access token´s “secret” is needed to create a valid JWT which is used to access the DNS API.



JWT (JSON Web Token)

To get a JWT suitable for access to the GraphQL API, you need a user with a valid, not expired access token. Using the secret from that token, you can then create and sign a JWT with content:

  • jti as a “globally unique” identifier.
  • iss and sub as the user's login name.
  • aud as the string “SafeBrands”.
  • nbf must be a timestamp in the past. The "nbf" (not before) claim identifies the time before which the JWT is not valid.
  • iat must be a timestamp in the past. The "iat" (issued at) claim identifies the time at which the JWT was issued.
  • exp must be a timestamp in the future. The "exp" (expiration time) claim identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT is invalid.

You then sign that JWT using the access token’s “secret” with algorithm “HS512” (HMAC with SHA-512). Doing so, you must make sure that some JWT headers are set appropriately:

  • kid must be the user’s login name and the access token’s name separated by a forward slash, e.g., "john.doe@brandshelter.com/ExampleToken".
  • alg must be “HS512”.

Example JWT header:

{ "kid": "john.doe@brandshelter.com/ExampleToken", "alg": "HS512" }

Example JWT payload:

{ "iss": "john.doe@brandshelter.com", "sub": "john.doe@brandshelter.com", "aud": "BrandShelter", "nbf": 1680522050, "exp": 1712102400, "iat": 1680594434, "jti": "BrandShelter-7a589414-d004-46b4-a95f-50b763f678d3" }


You can use  to create or verify JWTs.


HTTP Bearer Authentication

For authentication you must send the JWT in the Authorization header when making requests to DNS API:

Authorization: Bearer <JWT>


Introspection & Auto Documentation

The GraphQL introspection system allows to query information about the available schema. There are various tools and clients which are able to generate an API documentation from the live endpoint using a introspection query. You can use for example Altair GraphQL Client to easily generate and browse the API documentation.




query CurrentUser { currentUser { firstname lastname email } }

query DnsZone { dnsZone(domainName: "test-domain-1001.net") { id name zoneType } }

query DnsZones { dnsZones { nodes { id name zoneType } } }

query DnsRecordsByZone { dnsRecordsByZone(domainName: "test-domain-1001.net") { bindSyntax errors fqdn host id locked rdata ttl type } }

query DnsRecordsByZone { dnsRecordsByZone(domainName: "test-domain-1002.net", filters: { recordTypes: ["X-WEB-FWD", "A", "AAAA"] }) { host id locked rdata ttl type } }

mutation CreateDnsRecord { createDnsRecord( input: { type: "MX", dnsZoneId: 2, rdata: "6 mail.foo-1.com." } ) { id bindSyntax } }

mutation UpdateDnsRecord { updateDnsRecord( input: { id: 54, type: "MX", dnsZoneId: 2, rdata: "6 mail.foo-1.com." } ) { id bindSyntax } }

mutation DeleteDnsRecord { deleteDnsRecord(id: 2076) { ids } }

mutation PublishDnsZone { publishDnsZone(domainName: "test-domain-1001.net") { name } }




You can download and use the following documentation for DNS API:


EN_DNS API_Product sheet_BrandShelter.pdf

240313_DNS API Documentation_BrandShelter.pdf

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