Procedure to Request Authorisation Code for Domains

  1. Locate Desired Domains: Utilize the search feature within the Dashboard or the "Domains" section of the menu to access your portfolio, in order to find the domains you intend to modify / to transfer.


  2. Once located, check the corresponding boxes next to them.

  3. Click on “Edit selected domains” followed by “Edit domain details”.

  4. Quickly review to ensure you've selected the intended domains under "Affected domains".

  5. Navigate to the section “Extensions” on the right side.

  6. Here, you can modify the details for specific domain extensions as per your requirements. Refer to the Dashboard or consult your Account Manager for specific details and requirements for each TLD.

  7. In the "Request Authcode" dropdown menu, choose the option "1" (indicating 'Yes' for this process).

  8. Click “Save” to apply changes.

Following your submission, the current domain holder will receive an email from the registry. This email will contain the auth code, composed of 5 groups with 3 numbers each, and the expiration date for the code.


A second method is also possible:

  1. Locate Desired Domains: Utilize the search feature within the Dashboard or the "Domains" section of the menu to access your portfolio, in order to find the domains you intend to modify / to transfer.

  2. Once located, check the corresponding boxes next to them.

  3. Click on "Edit Selected Domains" followed by "Request Authcode".

    Capture d’écran 2023-12-19 à 14.39.07.png

  4. Check the "Remove Transfer-Locks" box.

  5. Click on "Submit Request".

  6. A green confirmation message will appear informing you that "The authorization code for will be sent to". The email is sent to the domain name holder's email address.

  7. Go to your email inbox, open the email sent From: <> and titled "SafeBrands Request Transfer Authorization Code (authcode)", and retrieve the authorization code from it.